Alessia Paccagnini
University College DublinAlessia is tenured at the UCD, a research associate at CAMA and the Scientific Communication Manager of a European grant. She published her research in macroeconometrics in top journals and is the recipient of multi research and teaching awards, including the Gender, Diversity, & Entrepreneurship Kauffman Award. Alessia is associate editor of the IJFE and had several research and teaching positions at top institutions including ECB, UPF, UPenn, EUI and Bocconi University, where she got her Ph.D.
Wojtek Paczos
Cardiff UniversityRozalia Pal
EIBRozália Pál is a senior economist at the European Investment Bank. Her research focus is on financing constraints, investment barriers and high growth enterprises. She holds a PhD from University of Münster and she has published several papers in journals, such as Applied Financial Economics, European Journal of Finance, International Economics, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics and Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.
Kevin Pallara
HEC University of LausanneSilvia Palmaccio
KU LeuvenI am a PhD candidate in Economics at KU Leuven. My main research interests are family and education economics. I am particularly interested in examining the role of non-traditional family structures in shaping children’s outcomes in childhood and adulthood.
Maritta Paloviita
Bank of FinlandDocSocSc (economics) Maritta Paloviita works as a senior adviser at the Monetary Policy and Research Department of the Bank of Finland. Her current research interests include inflation dynamics, inflation expectations, and real time data in monetary policy.
Livia Pancotto
University of StrathclydeFabio Panetta
European Central BankPierluca Pannella
Sao Paulo School of EconomicsMikhail Panov
HSE Saint PetersburgSarah Papich
University of California Santa BarbaraSarah Papich is a Ph.D. student in economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Alexei Parakhonyak
University of OxfordJunghum Park
University of EssexEmmanuel Paroissien
Paris Saclay UniversityFélix Pasquier
CRESTEvgenia Passari
University Paris DauphineAseem Kasim Patel
University of EssexAlba Patozi
University of CambridgeMarcelo Pedroni
University of AmsterdamLuca Pegorari
Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyBruno Pellegrino
University of MarylandElena Perazzi
EPFLLuca Perdoni
University of EdinburghI have just completed my Ph.D. at Yale University.
I will join the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh as an Early Career Researcher next fall. I am a Research Affiliate at CESifo.
My current research investigates institutional sources of inequality using tools from Labor and Urban Economics.
Marco Aurelio Pérez Navarro
Universidad Autónoma de MadridMarcel Peruffo
Brown UniversityElena Pesavento
Emory UniversityBettina Peters
ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic ResearchFabien Petit
Aix-Marseille UniversityResearch Fellow at the University of Sussex Business School, starting in September. I am interested in Labor, Behavioral, and Macroeconomics. My research project focuses on the labor market consequences of technological change and changing inter-generational relationships.
Filippos Petroulakis
Bank of GreeceMarco Stenborg Petterson
Brown UniversityOliver Pfäuti
University of MannheimI am a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Mannheim.
My research interests are in the area of macroeconomics, especially monetary economics, household heterogeneity and deviations from full-information rational expectations.
Hien Pham
Daniela Piazzalunga
University of TrentoAssistant Professor at the University of Trento.
Research interests: economics of education, labour economics, and gender economics.
Andreas Pick
Erasmus University RotterdamDavide Pietrobon
University of GenevaI am an applied microeconomist with a strong interest in economic development. I am currently working on risk-sharing arrangements, technology adoption in agriculture, land and labor markets in village economies, and social networks.
Michele Piffer
King's College LondonPaolo Pin
University of Siena - Department of Economics and StatisticsPaolo Pinotti
Bocconi UniversityElena Pisanelli
European University InstituteAlessandra Pizzo
Université Paris 8I am an Assistant Professor ar University of Paris 8 since September 2021.
I am Italian, I obtained my PhD from Paris School of Economics in 2016, then I was a post doc scholar at University of Chile and worked as an Assistant Professor at University Diego Portales in Chile.
I am a macroeconomist interested in labor markets and more recenty getting interested in Integrated Assessment Modelling.
Johannes Poeschl
Danmarks NationalbankJeannine Polivka
University of St.Gallen (HSG)I am a PhD student in Econometrics at the University of St.Gallen (HSG), holding an M.Sc. in Mathematical Finance from the University of Konstanz. My research interests include Macroeconometrics, Financial Econometrics and Time Series Analysis. Currently, I am exploring structural multivariate volatility models.
Andrea Polo
LUISS, EIEFMichele Polo
bocconi universityDavide Porcellacchia
European Central BankMichael Porcellacchia
Northwestern UniversityMario Porqueddu
European Central BankTristan Potter
Drexel UniversityThomas Kjær Poulsen
BI Norwegian Business SchoolPanu Poutvaara
University of Munich and ifoPanu Poutvaara is Professor of Economics at the University of Munich and Director of the ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research. His main research interests are migration, public economics, and political economics. He has published in journals like JEEA, EER, the Economic Journal, and the Journal of Public Economics. Highlights of his media coverage include the Economist, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Atlantic, and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
Ines Povoa
Nova School of Business and EconomicsMichael Poyker
University of NottinghamMarta Prato
University of ChicagoSilvia Prina
Northeastern UniversityElizaveta Pronkina
Université Paris-Dauphine - PSLI am a postdoctoral researcher at Université Paris-Dauphine, France. I received my PhD in Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2021. I am an applied microeconomist. Currently, I am contributing to the SHARE-ERIC’s COVID-19 research project about the non-intended consequences of COVID-19 control.
Aurelija Proskute
Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius UniversityRoger Prudon
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamMaria Ptashkina
University Pompeu FabraI am a PhD candidate in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University. I am interested in International Economics, International Trade, and Trade Policy. My research studies the impact of preferential trade agreements on countries' bilateral trade, and firm behavior.