Christoph Walsh
Tilburg UniversityI am an assistant professor at Tilburg University. My fields of interest are Empirical Industrial Organization, Development Economics, and the Economics of Crime.
Haomin Wang
University of KonstanzI am an assistant professor at the University of Konstanz.
My broad fields of interest are Labor Economics and Macroeconomics.
Xuan Wang
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Tinbergen InstituteI am an Assistant Professor of Finance at SBE Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am also a Candidate Fellow and Lecturer at Tinbergen Institute. My research interests include international macro, money and financial intermediation and bankruptcy, sustainable macro-finance.
I teach Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions (MPhil core module) at Tinbergen Institute, and International Finance at VU Amsterdam.
Larry Warren
U.S. Census BureauYas Watanabe
University of TokyoMatthias Weber
University of St. GallenNina Weber
King's College LondonI am a doctoral candidate in the department of Political Economy at King’s College London. My research focuses on prosocial preferences and economic inequalities. Specifically, I am interested in how procedural fairness concerns affect preferences and behaviours. My current projects look at (1) the role of externalities, social norms, and personal experience in shaping prosocial preferences and (2) the effects of procedural fairness beliefs on effort provision.
Katharina Wedel
ifo InstituteI am a Ph.D. candidate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) and a Junior Economist at the ifo Institute in Munich. I studied at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen (B.Sc.) and the University of Lund in Sweden (M.Sc.). I work on designing surveys about education policies and perceptions in Germany to better understand the public opinion about these topics. My work is about education inequality, fairness views and redistribution, but also on the automation of jobs and further training.
Siqi Wei
CemfiRan Weksler
University of HaifaTobias Wendler
University of BremenMirjam Wentzel
Norwegian Institute for Social ResearchMarek Weretka
UW MadisonMadeline Werthschulte
ZEW MannheimAndreas Westermark
Sveriges RiksbankMark Whitmeyer
Arizona State UniversityI am an AP at Arizona State University. I am interested in information economics. In recent work, I have studied questions related to the following topics:
◾Information acquisition/rational inattention
◾Consumer search
◾Bayesian persuasion/information design
◾Communication and disclosure
Basil Williams
New York UniversityI am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at New York University. I study finance theory, with a focus on problems involving asymmetric information. My papers have examined banking, market microstructure, organizational economics, and incentive contracting.
Cole Williams
University of ViennaLionel Wilner
Insee-CrestFrank Windmeijer
University of OxfordLisa Windsteiger
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public FinanceMax Winkler
HarvardI am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University with Joseph Henrich’s Culture, Cognition, and Coevolution Lab. I hold a PhD in economics from the University of Zurich.
I will join the Economics Department at the University of Exeter as Assistant Professor in September 2022.
My research interests lie in Development, Culture, Economic History, and Political Economy.
Julia Wirtz
University of BristolI work in the field of Microeconomic Theory with applications in management and education. In particular, I am interested in information economics, learning, and the strategic use of information or feedback within different incentive schemes and incentives for innovation. I did my PhD at the University of Warwick, followed by a postdoc at the University of Bonn. I am now a lecturer at the University of Bristol.
Marc Witte
IZA Institute of Labor EconomicsMilena Wittwer
Boston CollegeCarlo Wix
Federal Reserve BoardI am a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Board. My current research interests are in banking regulation, financial intermediation, and consumer credit.